Dog barking is a common canine communication method often associated with alerting others, expressing excitement, or signaling distress. On the other hand, dog howling is a more primal vocalization, historically used for long-distance communication. Sounds like sirens or musical instruments often trigger it and can also signify loneliness or anxiety in domestic dogs.
What does Dog Barking Mean?
Alert or Warning: If your dog barks when a stranger approaches or hears an unusual noise, it’s likely a warning or alert bark. Dogs are territorial and often want to warn their pack about potential threats.
Seeking Attention: Dogs often bark when they want your attention. They may need something like food, water, or a bathroom break or just want to play or get some petting.
Boredom or Loneliness: If a dog barks constantly when left alone, it might indicate boredom or loneliness. Dogs are social animals and may resort to barking to express their dissatisfaction with being alone.
Anxiety or Fear: Anxious or fearful barking can happen in response to certain situations, noises, or objects that scare your dog. This type of barking is usually accompanied by body language signs of fear like cowering or tail-tucking.
Excitement: Dogs often bark when they’re excited, such as when they see you after a long day or about to go for a walk. This is usually a happy bark, accompanied by wagging tails and eager body language.
Pain or Discomfort: If a dog’s barking is accompanied by other signs of distress or physical discomfort, they may be trying to tell you they’re not feeling well or in pain. It’s important to pay attention to this and consult a vet if needed.
What does Dog Howling Mean?
Long-Distance Communication: Howling is a primal form of communication. In the wild, wolves howl to communicate their location to distant members of the pack. Your dog might howl for similar reasons, though the “pack” is often the human family.
Response to Sounds: Dogs often howl in response to certain sounds, like sirens, musical instruments, or even the howls of other dogs. This may be a reflex, as the sounds could be reminiscent of the howling sounds their ancestors used to communicate.
Separation Anxiety: Dogs suffering from separation anxiety often howl when left alone. It’s a distress signal and a way to try to reestablish contact with their human family members.
Seeking Attention: Similar to barking, dogs might also howl to get your attention. They could be bored, need something, or just want your companionship.
Stress or Anxiety: Some dogs may howl as an expression of stress or anxiety. This could be due to a change in environment, unfamiliar people or pets, or other stress-inducing situations.
Pain or Discomfort: If a dog howls and shows other signs of physical distress, it might be experiencing pain or discomfort. In these cases, consulting with a vet is crucial to rule out any health issues.
How to Train a Dog Not to Howl?
Identify the Cause
Understanding why your dog howls is crucial. It could react to specific triggers like sirens, loneliness, or anxiety. Observe your dog’s behavior and try to identify patterns. For example, if your dog howls whenever a siren goes off, you know that sound is a trigger.
Eliminate or Reduce the Trigger
Once you’ve identified the trigger, try to eliminate or reduce it. If it’s a specific noise, try to keep your dog in a quiet environment or use white noise machines to drown out the sound. For instance, if your dog howls when left alone, consider a dog sitter or doggy daycare to reduce their loneliness and barking.
Training with Commands
Teach your dog a “quiet” or “enough” command. Start by allowing your dog to start howling, then calmly say your command and reward the silence that follows. Use a treat or toy your dog likes. For example, if your dog stops howling when you say “quiet,” immediately treat them.
Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning
If your dog howls at certain triggers, gradually expose them to the trigger at a low intensity and reward calm behavior. For example, if your dog howls at sirens, play a siren noise at a low volume and reward your dog for not howling. Gradually increase the volume over time, always rewarding calm behavior.
Consistency is key in any dog training. Make sure all family members use the same commands and reward system. Keep training sessions short and positive to prevent frustration.
Consult a Professional
If your attempts to curb howling aren’t working or if the howling is due to anxiety or fear, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist. They can provide guidance based on their expertise in dog behavior.
When does Barking & Howling mean the Same?
Barking and howling can mean the same thing when they’re used to express similar emotions or needs. For instance, both can signal distress, such as fear, pain, or anxiety. Similarly, dogs may use both vocalizations to seek attention or express loneliness. It’s crucial to consider the context, frequency, and accompanying behavior to understand what your dog is trying to communicate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my dog whining?
Dog whining can signify various feelings, such as excitement, anxiety, fear, or pain. It can also be a way of seeking attention or expressing a desire for something, like food or going outside. Understanding the context and observing other body language can help identify the cause.
Why is my dog crying?
When we say a dog is “crying,” we usually mean it’s making a whimpering or whining sound. Like whining, this can indicate a range of emotions or needs, from fear to excitement or even pain. If your dog’s “crying” is persistent or accompanied by other signs of discomfort, it could indicate a health issue requiring veterinary attention.
Do I need to worry about my dog’s howling?
Occasional howling isn’t usually a cause for concern; it’s a normal form of canine communication. However, excessive howling or sudden changes in your dog’s howling behavior could indicate a problem. It could signal separation anxiety, response to certain triggers, or even health issues. If your dog’s howling is causing concern, it would be best to consult a vet or a professional dog trainer.