Barking Triggers Control Techniques Dog Barking
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9 Effective & Tested Ways To Stop Dog Barking At The TV

A dog’s relationship with a TV is mostly observational; they can watch and respond to visuals and sounds. Though they don’t perceive the screen as humans do, some dogs show interest in TV due to differences in color and motion perception, particularly when they see or hear other animals or familiar sounds. Their interaction often depends on individual temperament and training.

If your dog barks while watching TV and you want to know how to stop him from barking, you are at the right place.

Barking At The TV

Tips to Stop Dog Barking at TV


Engaging your dog in mental and physical activities can reduce excessive barking. The barking might be a manifestation of boredom or energy build-up. Walking, playing games, or introducing puzzle toys like Kong can help. For example, take your dog for a walk before the TV time, which could make them more relaxed and less likely to react to the TV.

Prevent Reinforcement

Unknowingly, we may reward our dogs when they bark at the TV. We inadvertently reinforce this behavior if we rush over to soothe or give them attention. To counteract this, you could calmly redirect their attention to a toy or another activity when they start barking.

Desensitize your Dog to the TV

Gradual exposure can reduce the dog’s sensitivity to the TV. Start by having the TV on at a low volume or in a less engaging program, rewarding your dog for calm behavior. Over time, you can increase the volume or change to more stimulating shows.

Desensitize your Dog to the TV

Ignore Barking

Dogs often bark to seek attention. If you ignore your dog when it barks at the TV, they might eventually learn that this behavior won’t get them the attention they want. Remember, it’s essential to stay patient and consistent for this method to work.

Reward for Positive Behavior

Positive reinforcement can be very effective. If your dog remains calm while the TV is on, immediately reward them with a treat or affection. This way, they’ll associate not barking with positive outcomes.

Use Anti-Bark Devices

Devices such as anti-bark collars or ultrasonic devices can deter dogs from barking. These tools should be used cautiously and as a last resort, as they may cause discomfort or fear. Always ensure that any device used is humane and safe.

Use Anti-Bark Devices

Use Wireless Headphones

If the sound from the TV triggers your dog’s barking, consider using wireless headphones. Doing this will allow you to enjoy your show without any auditory disturbance to your dog.

Keep your Dog out if you Can’t Train

If you cannot control the barking through training, consider keeping the dog in another room while watching TV. Make sure it’s a comfortable, welcoming space with toys and a comfy bed.

Consult a Behavioral Therapist

If you’re finding it challenging to manage your dog’s behavior independently, seek help from a professional. A certified behavioral therapist can provide specialized techniques and guidance tailored to your dog’s needs.

Consult a Behavioral Therapist

Reasons Dogs Bark at TV

Reacting to Images: Dogs may bark at the TV if they see images that excite or alarm them. For instance, images of other animals, especially other dogs, can trigger their instinctual behaviors, such as territoriality or the urge to play.

Responding to Sounds: Dogs have an acute sense of hearing and may respond to sounds from the TV. Animal noises, doorbells, or high-pitched noises can startle or excite them, leading to barking.

Seeking Attention: Some dogs learn that barking at the TV gets them attention from their owners. It can be perceived as attention if you respond by talking to them, looking at them, or even scolding them.

Expressing Boredom or Anxiety: If a dog isn’t adequately stimulated physically or mentally, it may bark at the TV out of boredom or anxiety. It could be a way of releasing pent-up energy or stress.

Reacting to Your Behavior: Dogs are very attuned to their owner’s emotions. If you get excited, anxious, or upset while watching TV, your dog may mirror and express your emotional state through barking.

Sensitivity to Changes in Light or Motion: Some dogs are more sensitive to flickering images or changing lights on the TV screen. This sensitivity can confuse or excite them, causing them to bark.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to stop a dog lunging on the TV?

You can use redirection and desensitization strategies to stop a dog from lunging at the TV. Redirect their attention with toys or treats when they show signs of lunging. Gradually exposing them to the TV, starting with low volume and less engaging content, can also desensitize them to the triggers.

Why are dogs attracted to TV?

Dogs may be attracted to the TV due to the movement, lights, and sounds it produces. Visuals of other animals or sounds that mimic those in a dog’s natural environment, such as barking or squeaking, can particularly draw their attention.

Do dogs see TV the same as humans?

Dogs do not see TV the same way as humans do. They have dichromatic vision, meaning they see fewer colors than humans, primarily blues and yellows. Their perception of the frame rate is also different. Where humans generally can’t distinguish individual frames above 16 to 20 frames per second, dogs need about 70 frames per second, so older TVs may appear to flicker to them.

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